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Secret Windows

Secret Windows dont le titre est un clin d'oeil à la novella qui s'appelle partiellement ainsi (Secret Window, Secret Garden) est un recueil de plus de 400 pages d'articles et de récits, qui vient d'être publié au éditions :Book of the month (Le Livre du Mois),avec une introduction de Peter Straub. (octobre 2000)

Ce recueil ne contient pratiquement que des inédits en France (le nombre de pages et les Ïuvres existant en traduction française sont signalées) : Dave's Rag, Jumper, Rush Call, 10 p..-..-The Horror Market Writer ad the Ten Bears: A True Story, 12 p..-..Foreword to Night Shift, 16 p..-. On Becoming a Brand Name, 39 p..-..-Horror Fiction : From Danse Macabre, 160 p. (Anatomie de l'horreur).-..-An Evening at the Billerica [Massachusetts] Library, 30 p..-..-The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet, 60 p.(La ballade de la balle élastique, nouvelle, dans le recueil Brume).-..-How It Happened, 60 p..-..-Banned Books and Other Concerns : The Virginia Beach Lecture,..5 p..-..--Turning the Thumbscrews on the Reader, 2 p..-..--'Ever Et Rat Meat?' and Other Weird Questions, 6 p..-..-A New Introduction to John Fowles's The Collector, 339 ,14 p..-..-What Stephen King Does for Love, 8 p..-..-Two Past Midnight: A Note on 'Secret Window, Secret Garden," 4 p., (Vue imprenable sur jardin secret, novella, recueil Minuit 2, Minuit 4.)..-Introduction to Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door, 8 p..-..Great Hookers I Have Known, 8 p..- .A Night at the Royal Festival Hall : Muriel Grey Interviews Stephen King, 6 p..-..-An Evening with Stephen King 6 p..-..- In the Deathroom, 16 p.

Informations en provenance des USA :

September 28
Secret Windows is a new book from Book-of-the-month-club (via their Stephen King Library) that consists of a lot of unpublished stuff. It has 2 shorter works that King wrote when he was really young (Jumper and Rush Call). In the Deathroom is also published here for the first time in printed form.

Description :

Secret Windows
by Stephen King

The long and happy relationship between Book-of-the-Month Club and Stephen King now allows us to do something for his readers that no one else can. We have created this exclusive anthology of unpublished stories, hard-to-find nonfiction pieces, and little-known interviews and articles for the legions of Stephen King fans in our membership. We worked hard to unearth these rareties and we had a lot of fun reading them. We're sure you will too.

Secret Windowsis a companion to On Writing in that it spans King's entire career and illuminates his spirit, personality, and values. "Jumper" is a serialized story that King wrote as a boy for his brother's neighborhood newsletter. This tale of an imminent suicide prefigures the tension and violence of his horror novels. In "An Evening with Stephen King," King jokes about his "touch of . . . Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" and addresses the death penalty and The Green Mile. He shares his enthusiasm for the horror fiction of Shirley Jackson and Jack Finney. And he gives wonderful interviews that capture his mind in action - spontaneous, subversive, quirky, yet moral and aesthetically serious.

In his introduction, King's friend and collaborator Peter Straub praises King's "startling immediacy - [He] seems to drift up from the page and wrap an arm over the reader's shoulders." Secret Windows allows you to get to know this beloved writer in a way no other readers can.

La quatrième de couverture:

One day, while in his laundry room, Stephen King squeezed behind his dryer, looked out of a window, and realized that he was seeing a garden that he'd never noticed before. This is what great writers do, he thought. They look out of an almost forgotten window at an angle that renders the common extraordinary.

Secret Windows: Essays and Fiction on the Craft of Writing is an exclusive Book-of-the-Month Club anthology of hard-to-find non-fiction pieces, little known interviews, short stories, and articles about writing for those looking for direction on how to find their own "windows" --or for anyone wishing to be touched by Stephen King's humor and wisdom.

Included in this collection are unpublished early fiction (very early; King was twelve when he wrote "Jumper" and "Rush Call"); a pre-Carrie article with tips for selling stories in men's maga-zines ("The Horror Writer and the Ten Bears: A True Story"); advice to his son on writing (with the look-twice title "Great Hookers I Have Known"); recommendations to teen readers in a Seventeen article ("What Stephen King Does for Love"); a long chapter from his wonderful treatise on the horror genre ("Horror Fiction" from Danse Macabre); and even a first-time-in-print short story, "In the Deathroom"(just for fun).

Intended as a companion to Stephen King's 2000 book On Writing, Secret Windows: Essays and Fiction on the Craft of Writing captures the author's mind in action--spontaneous, subver- sive, quirky, yet morally and ethically serious. Together, they comprise virtually the sum of the thoughts on writing of the dominant force in American fiction for the past three decades.




20 Septembre 2000

King annonce que le titre The Crawling Shadow sera probablement changé ultérieurement. King felt that The Crawling Shadow was a bit corny.

Stephen indique aussi que Hearts in Atlantis n'est pas un roman de la série, mais qu'il a des rapports avec elle.


Août 2000.

Sur son site, King a récemment précisé son désir d'écrire et de publier les trois derniers tomes de la série simultanément. Il a annoncé reprendre l'écriture de la série en Janvier 2001.

King a aussi déclaré qu'il savait exactement ce qui va se passer. Il a bien insisté sur le fait qu'il n'écrit pas les aventures de Roland dans la foulée en laissant courir son imagination, mais que l'ensemble est planifié.


Juillet 2000

Le secrétariat de King a annoncé que la plupart des ouvrages annoncés seraient reportés... Dream Catcher, From a Buick Eight, seraient reportés de plusieurs mois . Pour le vol. 5 de La Tour Sombre, la rumeur l'annoncerait pour 2002, mais le planning de Stephen King est chargé chargé et on ne doit pas s'attendre à sa publication avant 2003 ou 2004.


avril 2000

King annonce dans une conférence à Vermont qu'il aura fini On Writing pour cet été, et qu'il consacrerait ses efforts à la suite de La Tour Sombre. Incidemment, King a raconté l'enfant qu'attend Suzannah est bien celui du démon et non pas celui d'Eddie, et que "la chose" ne sera pas vraiment contente : "Sources say he will relase all at once, but I think they will be released consecutively. Also, King hinted that the child in Susannah's womb isn't happy about being there".

Selon des rumeurs, le titre serait Thunderclap.


Fin 1999.

Conséquence de l'accident du 19 juin, le tome 5 du Cycle de La Tour Sombre ne sortirait pas avant 2001/2. Les tomes 6 et 7 seraient retardés de plusieurs années.

Contenu de ce site Stephen King et littératures de l'imaginaire :

Sa vie

Ses oeuvres

Ouvrages récents DE King

Ouvrages SUR King


Revue trimestrielle

différentes saisons

Notes de lectures

Revues fantastique et SF


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